Major: Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

Level: Junior college

Categories of disciplines: Animal husbandry, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery

Admission requirements: regular high school, vocational high school, technical school or secondary-professional school diploma.

Objectives: This major aims to produce graduates with high levels of skill and political integrity, who are developed in an all-round way; who have high levels of ideological and political consciousness, are ethical and humane, and are able to offer technical guidance and offer veterinary services and management.

Length of study: The minimum length of study is 2.5 years, and the student status is valid for eight years since registration.

Forms of study: Open education

Total class hours and credits: 1,404 class hours, 78 credits

Main courses: Basics of Veterinary Medicine, Fundamentals of Livestock Anatomy, Livestock Sanitation and Facilities, Prevention and Control of Common Animal Diseases, Animal Quarantine Technology, Breeding and Feed, Technology for Livestock Raising, and other courses.