Major: Nursing

Level: Undergraduate (starting from high school level)

Category of discipline: Nursing (Medicine)

Admission requirement: Secondary-professional school nursing-practice certification

Objectives: The major aims to cultivate professionals who can help meet the development needs of medical services in China; who understand modern nursing, are dedicated to serving the people, and are developed in an all-round way; who are capable of safeguarding and promoting human health, are rigorous, scientific and ethical in their approach, and are able to engage in clinical and community nursing as well as grass-roots medical care.

Length of study: The minimum length of study is five years, and the student status is valid for eight years since registration.

Forms of study: Open education

Total class hours and credits: 2,520 class hours, 140 credits

Main courses: Human Anatomy and Histoembryology, Human Physiology, Medical Biochemistry, Medical Immunology and Microbiology, Foundations of Nursing, Health Assessment, Pharmacology, Internal Medicine for Nurses, Surgical Nursing, Nursing in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatrics, Emergency and Critical-care Nursing, Nursing in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Community Nursing, Nursing Management, Nursing Psychology, Nursing Education and Methods of Scientific Research, Nursing Ethics, Health Education and Promotion.