Major: Pharmacy

Level: Undergraduate (starting from junior college level)

Category of discipline: Pharmacy (Medicine)

Admission requirements: (1) junior college degree or higher in the same or a similar major in the national education system, or a (2)practitioner in a medical or health-related industry for admission to Pharmacy major. Objectives: This major aims to cultivate professionals who can meet the needs of the development of China’s medical-services industries; who show all-round development; who have good professional ethics, have mastered the theory and practice of pharmacy, and understand the production, distribution and use of medicines.

Length of study: The minimum length of study is 2.5 years, and the student status is valid for eight years since registration.

Forms of study: Open education

Total class hours and credits: 1,296 class hours, 72 credits.

Main courses: Analytical Chemistry, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmacology, Medical Statistics, Dispensing of Pharmaceuticals, Clinical Pharmacology, Introduction to Clinical Medicine, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Management and Regulations, Pharmaceutical Therapeutics, Pharmaceutical Research, and others.