Major: Horticulture

Level: Undergraduate (starting from junior college level)

Category of discipline: Plant production (Agriculture)

Admission requirements: junior college degree or higher in the same or similar major in the national education system.

Objectives: This major aims to cultivate high-quality workers with both skills and political integrity in an all-round way; who have high levels of ideological and political consciousness and are ethical and humane; who are well equipped both theoretically and practically in horticulture, and are able to undertake modern horticultural production, promotion of the science and technology associated with it, industrial development, operation and management of orchards, vegetable fields, ornamental horticulture, greenhouse horticulture, landscaping, and related areas.

Length of study: The minimum length of study is 2.5 years, and the student status is valid for eight years since registration.

Forms of study: Open education

Class hours and credits: 1,296 class hours, 72 credits

Main courses: Plant Physiology, Genetics, Agricultural Microbiology, Agricultural Ecology, Biochemistry, Experimental Design and Biostatistics, Plant Pathology, Agricultural Entomology, Horticultural Plant Breeding, General Theories of Horticulture and Plant Cultivation, Facility Horticulture, Storage and Processing of Horticultural Products, Marketing of Horticultural Products, and others.