The Public Service Management undergraduate programme covers two orientations: School Management, Family Education and Social Education Guidance. Its core courses are Public Administration, Organisational Behaviour in Education and Management, Education Law, Education Evaluation, Modern Education Management, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Psychology, Practical Teaching and Learning Tools, Social Education and Management, Mental-health Education for Adolescents, and Family-education Counseling and Guidance.

I. School Management

1.Target Group

Those engaged in teaching and management of kindergartens as well as primary, middle and vocational schools.

2. Training Objectives

The school-management orientation aims to cultivate practice-oriented professionals to teach and manage for educational authorities in kindergartens as well as primary, secondary and vocational schools. The programme provides a foundation in education, psychology, management and sociology, the skills needed in teaching and management, and the education-specific problem-solving skills needed to analyse and solve practical problems in an innovative way.

3. Course System

The compulsory courses of this orientation are Modern Education Management, Educational Psychology, Teacher Psychology, Curriculum and Instruction, Education Law, Education Evaluation, Organisational Behaviour in Education and Management, Introduction to Special Education, and Class Management. The optional courses are History of Management Theory, Public Administration, Foundations of Leadership, Human-resources Management, Comparative Education, Online Learning: Theory and Practice, Organisation of Participatory Training and Activity, Teaching Design for New Courses, and others.

II. Family Education and Social Education Guidance

1. Target Group

Practitioners of adolescent education, community-education workers, venue-education workers, those engaged in family-education counselling and guidance, and practitioners of other social and cultural undertakings related to education.

2. Training objectives

The orientation of Family Education and Social Education Guidance is to train practice-oriented professionals for teaching, management and counselling in community-based –educational institutions. The programme works on behalf of continuing education and the education of families.

3. Course system

The compulsory courses in this orientation are Modern Education Management, History of Management Theory, Teacher Psychology, Public Administration, Education Evaluation, Practical Tools for Teaching and Learning, Social Education and Management, Mental-health Education for Adolescents, and Family-education Counselling and Guidance. The optional courses are Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Public Service, Education Law, Online Learning: Theory and Practice, Distance-education Management, Organization of Participatory Training and Activities, Curriculum Sociology, Examination-management Technology, and others.

III. Teaching teams and course resources

A number of experts in education, psychology, and educational management from Beijing Normal University, Northeast Normal University, the National Academy of Education Administration, the Beijing Institute of Education, Capital Normal University and others have been hired as consultants, examiners, editors-in-chief, co-editors, and lecturers for resource construction and teaching.

The Public Service Management programme at OUC headquarters currently employs twelve full-time tutors, including one professor, eight associate professors, one with the title of “Famous Teacher of Beijing Higher Education”, six of whom have doctoral degrees. The tutors at OUC headquarters are well versed in distance education, and have won national-level resource-sharing and teaching-achievement awards, Beijing teaching and teaching-materials awards, and nine OUC teaching-achievement awards; have gained three project approvals at and above the ministry level, and an award for a project involving collaboration among universities; and have earned seventeen OUC scientific-achievement awards.

Programme resources include printed teaching materials, audio-visual materials, online courses and IP courseware; learning is supported in an all-round way. High-quality resources have been produced. The textbook Modern Education Management was incorporated into the national “11th Five-Year Plan” for regular higher education and its online resources into national resource-sharing for online education in 2014, while Curriculum and Instruction was named an OUC “quality online course” of the OUC system.