I.Training objectives

This major trains students committed morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and in terms of labour to the construction of a socialist country, and gives them strong and practical technical skills to meet the requirements of social development, along with a high degree of ideological,  political, moral and cultural awareness, and a good understanding of the law, including theory and the ability to analyse and solve common problems, while able to provide grassroots legal services and legal-affairs management.

 II. Requirements

  1. Duration of studies: Thismajor requires 2 years, with 8 of part-time studies permitted, and at least 2.5 years.
  2. Type of education: open
  3. Total credit hours and credits: 1,404 hours and 78 credits
  4. Other requirements

1) Educational

Students are expected to master:

(1) Political theories

(2) Basic jurisprudence, constitutional law, civil law, criminal law, procedural law, and other areas

(3) Labour disputes and mediation, social security, and so on

(4) Related majors at a basic level

(5) Basic further-study and development skills

2) Skills development

Students are expected to:

(1) Master basic computer and office-software use

(2) Learn to arrange and manage legal files, undertake labour and civil-dispute mediations as well as judicial investigations, draft legal documentation, and offer legal education

(3) Be able to write and speak fluent Putonghua, deal with and coordinate public relations, and understand appropriate etiquette

(4) Be able to use information technology to research laws and regulations, retrieve literature and other information, and analyse, summarise and conduct discussions related to the information

(5) Be able to protect workers and social security, settle labour disputes, and ensure democratic worker-management

(6) Be able to forestall legal risks to enterprises and institutions

(7) Be able to innovate and to learn independently

3) Overall quality

Students are expected to:

(1) Be devoted to their work and maintain strong professional ethics

(2) Abide by regulations and political requirements

(3) Be physically and psychologically healthy

(4) Have a sound understanding of the law

(5) Have a good ability to collect, process and analyse information

(6) Be good learners

(7) Be good team players with strong willpower, self-confidence, and mental stamina; hard-working, eager for challenges, and enterprising.

III. Main courses

Specialised basic courses:Jurisprudence, Constitutional Jurisprudence, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Administrative and Administrative-procedural Law, Economic Law, and others.

Specialised courses: Civil Procedural Law, Criminal Procedural Law, and others.