Xi Stresses Making Solid Progress Toward Building China into Leading Country in Education

The National Conference on Education was held in Beijing from Sept. 9 to 10, 2024. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. He emphasized that building a leading country in education has been a long-cherished aspiration of the Chinese nation since the advent of modern times. It is a guiding task, solid foundation and strategic support for building China into a great country and realizing national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization. We must make solid progress toward this set goal.

In his speech, Xi pointed out that education is the foundation of building a great country and achieving national rejuvenation. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, education has been considered a task of critical importance to the future of our country and our Party. We have fully implemented the Party's education policies. We have made major decisions to fully implement the strategy of invigorating China through science and education, accelerate the modernization of education system, and set the goal of becoming a leading country in education by 2035. Efforts have been made to strengthen the Party's overall leadership over education work and constantly promote reforms in the education systems and mechanisms, leading to historic achievements and structural changes in the education cause in the new era, with solid progress made in building a leading country in education.

Xi stressed that the leading country in education we aim to build is a leading country in education of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It should have strong ideological and political leadership, talent competitiveness, scientific and technological underpinning, livelihood security, social synergy, and international influence, providing robust support for building China into a great country and realizing national rejuvenation on all fronts by pursuing Chinese modernization.

Xi noted that building a leading country in education is a complex, systematic endeavor. We must focus on the fundamental task of fostering virtue and educating people, with a view to the goal of nurturing a new generation of capable young people with sound moral grounding, intellectual ability, physical vigor, aesthetic sensibility and work skills, who are builders of socialism and will carry forward the socialist cause. We must follow the path of socialism in managing schools, uphold and apply systems thinking, and correctly handle key relationships between supporting national strategies and meeting the needs of the people, between knowledge learning and well-rounded development, between cultivating talent and meeting societal needs, between adhering to rules and encouraging vitality, and between taking root in China and drawing on international experience.

Xi emphasized the importance of unswervingly using the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to educate people, and implementing the initiative to foster virtue through education for the new era. He highlighted the need to strengthen and improve ideological and political education in schools, educating and guiding young students to strengthen their belief in Marxism, conviction in socialism with Chinese characteristics and confidence in realizing national rejuvenation. Young students should be guided to stay devoted to contributing to the country and strengthening the country. They should be guided to strive courageously with a greater sense of responsibility. The successful cases of the great transformation of the new era should be consciously used, and revolutionary resources should be fully tapped in education. Efforts should be made to strengthen practice-based and online education. The use of standard Chinese language should be promoted to forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.

Xi called for coordinated implementation of the strategy for invigorating China through science and education, the workforce development strategy and the innovation-driven development strategy. Education development, scientific and technological innovation and talent cultivation should be promoted as an integrated effort. By focusing on sci-tech development and national strategic needs, innovation capacity should be improved, the layout of higher education should be optimized, and mechanisms for adjusting academic disciplines and talent cultivation models should be improved. More emphasis should be placed on basic, emerging and interdisciplinary subjects, as well as the cultivation of top-notch talent. Research cooperation between schools and enterprises should be strengthened to enable quicker transformation of sci-tech achievements into productive forces. The education system that promotes integration between vocational and general education, between industry and education should be established, and efforts should be made to cultivate high-caliber craftsmen and skilled talent.

Xi emphasized the need to adopt a people-centered approach and continuously improve the inclusiveness, accessibility and convenience of public education services so that more people can benefit from the results of education reform and development. Education resources should be better allocated across regions, with efforts to promote high-quality, balanced development of compulsory education, and to gradually narrow the gaps between urban and rural areas, different regions, schools, and groups. The achievements of "double reduction" in reducing the burden on students should be consolidated, with a focus on improving classroom teaching quality and enhancing after-school services. The national education digitization initiative should be fully implemented, with efforts to expand the coverage of high-quality education resources and improve public services for lifelong learning.

Xi also underscored the importance of implementing the initiative to enhance the morale and professionalism of teachers with the ethos of educators, emphasizing the need to strengthen the professional integrity and conduct of teachers, raise the quality of cultivating and training teachers, and cultivate a high-caliber teaching workforce for the new era. Teachers' political, social, and professional status should be elevated, their pay and welfare should be further guaranteed, and their professional dignity and legitimate rights and interests should be respected, helping teachers enjoy high social prestige and making teaching one of the most respected professions.

Xi also stressed the importance of deepening the opening up of education, balancing "bringing in" and "going global," and continuously enhancing China's international influence, competitiveness, and voice in education. International academic exchanges and cooperation on education and scientific research should be expanded, and China should actively participate in global education governance, to contribute more to the development of global education.


Source: Xinhua