Research Achievement

Published in China Educational Technology, 2012(12):pp.32-35

Construction of an Index System for Distance Higher Education Internationalization*

Wang Yongfeng, Zhang Shaogang

(The Open University of China, Beijing 100039)

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to learn from domestic and international index systems for higher education internationalization to construct an index system for distance higher education internationalization. In defining distance higher education internationalization, this paper proposes four elements of internationalization: objective, level, capacity and activity. It further examines 13 higher education internationalization index systems at home and abroad, sorts out 88 first-level indexes and classifies them into five categories. Analysis focuses on the characteristics of the index systems and what can be learned from them when constructing a distance higher education internationalization index system. The authors believe that construction of a distance higher education internationalization system should be based on the general indexes of higher education internationalization and adjusted to integrate the characteristics of distance education. The system should also highlight the characteristics of distance education and include indexes specially designed for distance education. The paper proposes a spider web model for the construction of the distance higher education internationalization index system, and initially constructs the index system. The system includes the five dimensions of higher education: strategy and funds, institution and personnel, teachers and students, courses and teaching, and scientific research. It also includes the four dimensions specific to distance education: distance teaching resources, student support, distance education quality and distance education technology. Each index dimension incorporates several monitoring indexes for internationalization level and internationalization capacity. None of the indexes are weighted.

Keywords: distance higher education, internationalization, index system, spider web model
CLC number:G434  Document code:A

*This paper is an achievement of the 2011 OUC key research project, “Study on Theories and Pathways Towards Internationalization in Open Universities” (Project No: G11AQ0007Z).


I. Preface

The internationalization of higher education is currently a hot topic. However, little research has been done on the internationalization of distance higher education. The aim of this paper is to construct an index system for distance higher education internationalization. The internationalization of distance higher education is essentially a response to globalization; it seeks to train internationalized professionals and adopt a series of activities to bring an international dimension to all aspects of distance higher education, thereby comprehensively boosting international competiveness and global adaptability. The definition of internationalization mainly concerns four elements: objective, level, capacity and activity. Among them, the key is to distinguish the two concepts of internationalization level and internationalization capacity. Internationalization level refers to the current status of internationalization and participation in international activities. It generally describes a static state or current situation. However, internationalization capacity refers to the institution’s capacity to improve its level of internationalization and implement its own internationalization strategies or objectives within a certain period of time. It generally describes trends and processes. To construct an internationalization index system, one should pay attention to both internationalization level and internationalization capacity.

II. Research on internationalization index systems of higher education

1. Index system projects at home and abroad

The authors chose 13 higher education internationalization index systems at home and abroad as the focus for their research. They are as follows: (1) Internationalization Quality Review Process (IQRP) conducted by OECD IMHE and ACA in 1995[1]; (2) “Internationalization of universities: A university culture-based framework” by Bartell in 2003[2]; (3) An internationalization quality evaluation system by the American Council of Education (ACE)[3]; (4) “University internationalization evaluation criteria” by Furushiro Norio's team at Osaka University[4]; (5) “Shandong University Internationalization Evaluation System” by Shandong University in 2010; (6) “Higher Education Internationalization Evaluation Index System (Trial)” by Guangdong Education Bureau in 2010; (7) “Zhejiang Higher Education Internationalization Planning Index” in the “Zhejiang Higher Education Internationalization Development Plan (2010-2020)” by Zhejiang Education Bureau in 2011; (8) “University Internationalization Index System” constructed by Li Shengbin in 2005[5]; (9) “Postgraduate Education Internationalization Index System” by Luo Yingzi and others in 2009[6]; (10) “China Research University Internationalization Evaluation Index” by Chen Changgui and others in 2009[7]; (11) “Index System to Evaluate Degree of University Internationalization” by Wang Xianping in 2010[8]; (12) “Index System for Evaluation of Level of University Internationalization” constructed by Wang Wen in 2011[9]; (13) “University Internationalization Level Index System” constructed by Zhang Yan in 2012.[10]

2. First-level indexes of all index systems

The first-level indexes of the 13 index systems were sorted into a total of 88 first-level indexes, as shown in the following table.


Table of First-Level Higher Education Internationalization Indexes 

Index system
Name of first-level index
(1)University background and overview (2) Internationalization policy and strategy (3) Organization and supporting institutions (4) Majors and students (5) Research collaboration (6) HR management (7) Cooperative education agreements and services
Bartell (2003)
(1) Number of foreign students and exchange students on campus (2) Supplementary funds for international research (3) Number of international collaborative research plans (4) International partner relations (5) Internationalized curriculum content
(1) Clear mission, objectives and vision (2) Internationalization environment (3) Strategy (4) Structure (5) Policy and operation (6) Resources (7) Courses and joint courses (8) Overseas study (9) Alliances with overseas universities (10) Campus culture
Osaka University (2006)
(1)      University philosophy, objectives and plans (2) Organization and staff (3) Budget and implementation (4) International expansion research (5) Received information infrastructure (recruiting, education, housing, language, environment) (6) Comprehensive promotion of international collaboration (7) Internationalized university curriculum (8) Collaboration with external institutions on curriculum (such as internship exchange)
Shandong University (2010)
(1) Education philosophy and internationalization strategy (10%) (2)Teacher international mobility (16%) (3) Student international mobility (14%) (4) Teaching and curriculum (17%) (5) Scientific research (15%) (6) Security system (15%) (7) Internationalized special programmes (8%) (8) University level exchange programmes (5%)
Guangdong province (2010)
(1) Philosophy and strategy (15%) (2) Organization and system (12%) (3) Basic conditions (8%) (4) International mobility of staff (15%) (5) Teaching and curriculum (10%) (6) Source of funds and investment (10%) (7) Overseas background of teachers (15%) (8) International/Hong Kong/Macau/Taiwan research collaboration (10%) (9) Special programmes (5%)
Zhejiang Province (2011)
(1) Percentage of overseas students (2) Percentage of exchange students sent abroad and exchange students on campus (3) Percentage of foreign experts (4) Percentage of full-time teachers having completed three or more months of academic visit(s) (5) Percentage of foreign language or bilingual courses (6) Sino-foreign collaborative education programmes (7) International academic conferences (hosted or organized) (8) International collaboration research platform (including international production, study and research bases) (9) Programmes sponsored by overseas or international organizations
Li Shengbin (2005)
(1) Internationalization concept and plans (10%) (2) Setup of internationalized institutions in the university (5%) (3) Internationalization of student body (25%) (4) Internationalization of teacher body (20%) (5) Curriculum internationalization (15%) (6) Research internationalization (15%) (7) Sino-foreign collaborative education (10%)
Luo Yingzi et al (2009)
(1)Internationalization of strategic positioning
(2)Internationalization of staff (3)Internationalization of operations (4) Internationalization of financial affairs (5) Internationalization of organization
In progress
Chen Changui et al (2009)
(1)Strategic planning and organization (10%) (2) Staff composition and exchange (40%) (3) Teaching and scientific research (14%) (4) Relevant conditions and facilities (13%) (5) Results exchange (23%)
Wang Xianping (2010)
(1) Internationalization concept and awareness (7.7%) (2) Capacity and actions of university internationalization (84.6%) (3) Results and performance of university internationalization (7.7%)
Wang Wen
(1) Strategy management (2) Teacher structure (3) Student composition (4) Teaching influence (5) Cooperative schooling (6)Scientific research collaboration (7) Overseas exchange
Zhang Yan
(1) Education philosophy (16%) (2) Staff composition and exchange (22%) (3) Teaching internationalization (22%) (4) Internationalization of research (24%) (5) Internationalization of management and operations (16%)




3. Analysis of higher education internationalization index systems

Analysis reveals that the primary characteristics of overseas index systems are: (1) Evaluation indexes pay more attention to the quality of internationalization rather than the quantity; (2) Generally, no weights or points are assigned to the indexes; (3) Research is usually performed by institutions or teams, and seldom by individuals; (4) Research is conducted over a long period and includes practice and trials; (5) Different index systems have different application purposes; (6) There is inheritance and similarity between different index systems. The primary characteristics of domestic index systems are: (1) Different index systems have similar structures, and nearly all are hierarchical (except Zhejiang province), being composed of first-level, second-level and third-level indexes; (2) The indexes are given weights or point values, as seen in the Shandong University, Guangdong province, Li Shengbin, Wang Xianping, Zhongshan University and Wang Wen research projects; (3) Most research is performed by individuals; (4) Research results are relatively scarce; (5) Most of the research results are not empirical research based on practice.

The first-level indexes of all index systems can be classified into the five categories of “strategy and funds, institution and personnel, teachers and students, courses and teaching, and scientific research” (classification process omitted). These five categories can also be seen as general indexes of higher education internationalization.

4. Significance in constructing a distance education internationalization index system

The term “higher education”, as understood in domestic and international higher education index systems, is usually limited to traditional campus-based universities. Little consideration has been given to distance education. However, distance education is different from general higher education when it comes to internationalization. It might have advantages in some aspects. For example, distance education can use network technology to recruit students and give lectures worldwide. Thus, it can achieve internationalization without going abroad. Therefore, when learning from higher education internationalization index systems to construct a distance higher education internationalization index system, we should follow the general characteristics of higher education and use general indexes of higher education internationalization as a baseline, while including specific monitoring indexes designed to incorporate characteristics of distance education. Furthermore, we should research and design custom indexes for distance education in order to embody distance education characteristics.

Through analyzing and studying the common practices of domestic and international index systems, we can see that the key to constructing a distance education internationalization index system is to find the main dimensions and specific monitoring points that reflect the degree, level and capacity of internationalization, and then choose different indexes for each dimension. In this aspect, this paper mainly uses the index system of Osaka University in Japan as a reference. The internationalization index system of Osaka University is relatively comprehensive. It can be divided into large projects (first-level indexes), medium projects (second-level indexes) and small projects (third-level indexes). For each small project, there are five columns: “evaluation objective and evaluation topic, object of investigation, investigation and analysis methods, indexes, and principles”. However, this paper is different in that it does not use tiered indexes, but instead designs specific monitoring indexes based on several monitoring points related to internationalization level and internationalization capacity. Moreover, this paper favors adopting the practices of overseas index systems in not assigning uniform, fixed weights to each index, thereby ensuring that the internationalization indexes focus more on quality.

III. Construction of a distance higher education internationalization index system

1. Selection of index dimensions

For the general indexes of higher education, we can apply the five dimensions of strategy and funds, institution and personnel, teachers and students, courses and teaching, and scientific research. For the special indexes of distance education, through analysis of the classic definitions and theories of domestic and international distance education experts such as Keegan and Ding Xingfu[11][12], we arrive at the four dimensions of distance teaching resources, student support, distance education quality and distance education technology. After selecting the dimensions, we select several internationalization level and capacity monitoring indexes for each dimension based on the characteristics of distance education.

2. Spider web model

In order to represent the distance higher education internationalization index system, this paper proposes a spider web model (see figure below). We can use the model to illustrate the changes of internationalization level and capacity of different index dimensions of the same institution at two time points. It can also be used to compare the internationalization level and capacity between different institutions. In the figure, B indicates special indexes, and A indicates general indexes. The small blue nonagon represents the original internationalization level, indicated by L1. The large red nonagon represents the current internationalization level, indicated by L2. The nodal point of each nonagon indicates the datum of the index. The belt area between the large red nonagon and the small blue nonagon (L2-L1) indicates the increase of the current internationalization level from the previous internationalization level. The belt can indirectly reflect the internationalization capacity.

Spider web model for distance higher education internationalization index system

3. Overview of index system

3.1 Strategy and funds

Monitoring indexes for internationalization level include: (1) Clear adoption of internationalization as a strategic mission; (2) Clear internationalization objectives and development plans; (3) Matching internationalization implementation plans, policies and measures; (4) Clear internationalization projects and guaranteed funding for activities.

Monitoring indexes for internationalization capacity include: (1) Able to implement the plans and policies in the development plan; (2) Able to formulate internationalization fund management systems; (3) Able to complete different internationalization projects and activities on time; (4) Able to regularly conduct self-evaluation of internationalization plan and publish reports; (5) Able to use internationalization funds according to plan and system.



3.2 Institution and personnel


Monitoring indexes for internationalization level include: (1) Has an organization for internationalization advancement in charge of macroscopic strategy; (2) Has dedicated internationalization department and staff; (3) Other departments also have internationalization staff; (4) Internationalization staff have one or more years overseas study or work experience; (5) Full-time foreign employees appointed for some internationalization positions.

Monitoring indexes for internationalization capacity include: (1) Internationalization department able to make sure that employees work efficiently; (2) Internationalization staff able to provide effective services to overseas students or scholars from different countries who speak different languages; (3) Internationalization staff able to provide services online to overseas students or scholars; (4) Able to form a mechanism for unified management, allocation, training and exchange of internationalization staff in different departments.

3.3 Teachers and students

Monitoring indexes for internationalization level include: (1) Teachers have overseas study or work experience; (2) Foreign teachers and foreign visiting scholars; (3) Foreign students and exchange students; (4) International distance students registered online; (5) Construction of domestic and international online teaching and research community.

Monitoring indexes for internationalization capacity include: (1) Able to increase the percentage of teachers with overseas study and work experience year over year; (2) Able to increase the proportion of foreign teachers and foreign visiting scholars year over year; (3) Able to increase the percentage of foreign students and exchange students year over year; (4) Able to increase the proportion of online registered international students year over year; (5) Able to increase the diversity of nationalities of students of the same major (curriculum).

3.4 Courses and teaching

Monitoring indexes for internationalization level include: (1) Has majors and courses taught in foreign languages; (2) Has majors and courses specially established for international students; (3) Has majors and courses themed with international issues; (4) Has Sino-foreign collaborative education programmes, such as joint majors, projects or courses, and joint academic degrees; (5) Has foreign language majors and courses.

Monitoring indexes for internationalization capacity include: (1) Able to construct colleges or campuses that teach using foreign languages exclusively; (2) Able to construct international student colleges for students from different countries; (3) Able to increase Sino-foreign collaborative education programmes year over year; (4) Able to use information technology to establish and increase online international colleges year over year; (5) Able to increase foreign language majors and courses year over year.

3.5 Scientific research

Monitoring indexes for internationalization level include: (1) Research funds from foreign sources; (2) Investment of own research funds in international projects; (3) Full-time teachers (or researchers) conduct internationalized research activities (participation in international conferences, submissions to international journals, joint research with overseas professors, etc.); (4) Membership in all kinds of international organizations, communities, associations, academies, etc.; (5) Staff who work as editors of international academic journals or on international academic committees.

Monitoring indexes for internationalization capacity include: (1) Research funds from foreign sources increase year over year; (2) Own research funds invested in international projects increase year over year; (3) All teachers participate in at least one international research activity per year; (4) Encourage and protect teachers who sign international cooperation agreements as individuals; (5) Able to participate in all kinds of international activities, exhibitions, rankings, etc., and enhance international reputation year over year; (6) Able to hold annual international distance education conferences.

3.6 Distance teaching resources

Monitoring indexes for internationalization level include: (1) Online teaching resources from foreign sources; (2) Teaching resources specially designed for international students; (3) Internationalized digital resource networks or databases; (4) Multi-lingual catalogues, descriptions, and content of teaching resources; (5) Institutions or mechanisms dedicated to international joint construction and sharing of educational resources.

Monitoring indexes for internationalization capacity include: (1) Able to actively use or modify open educational resources (OER), public courses of prestigious universities and other overseas internet resources; (2) Able to share educational resources worldwide and enjoy high overseas click rate and download volume; (3) Able to increase market share in resources for teaching Chinese as a foreign language year over year; (4) Able to construct multi-lingual versions of high quality educational resources according to international standards.

3.7 Student support

Monitoring indexes for internationalization level include: (1) Overseas study centres established in foreign countries; (2) Domestic study centres designed for international students; (3) Dedicated staff for international students at regular study centres; (4) Study centres hire foreign staff; (5) Distance digital study strategies to accelerate students’ learning; (6) Day-to-day living support, such as accommodations for international students and scholars.

Monitoring indexes for internationalization capacity include: (1) Able to increase overseas study centres year over year; (2) Able to increase study centres for international students year over year; (3) Able to send student support staff abroad for training; (4) Able to continuously adapt distance digital study strategies to domestic and international students; (5) Able to allocate full-time staff in charge of living support for international students and scholars.


3.8 Distance education quality


Monitoring indexes for internationalization level include: (1) Adoption of international quality assurance systems, evaluation standards or evaluation tools; (2) Active use of international third-party quality evaluation institutions; (3) Mechanisms for mutual recognition and transfer of certificates, scores and credits with overseas universities; (4) Dedicated staff involved in international quality assurance work; (5) Existence of appropriate systems for practical teaching and training of internationalized professionals.

Monitoring indexes for internationalization capacity include: (1) Able to establish a quality assurance system matching its own mission, objectives, and positioning; (2) Able to export its own quality assurance experiences to the international community; (3) Able to increase the quantity and range of credit transfer with overseas universities year over year; (4) Able to learn or implement international standards of distance education quality; (5) Able to produce professionals who can adapt to overseas environments and cultures.

3.9 Distance education technology

Monitoring indexes for internationalization level include: (1) Cross-cultural, multi-lingual website and information platform; (2) Technical research and development staff for international students; (3) Technical platform which supports mutual recognition of overseas academic degrees, certificates, courses, credits and scores; (4) Institutions or products which can track or lead the latest international distance education technology; (5) On-going international collaboration on technology research and development projects.

Monitoring indexes for internationalization capacity include : (1) Able to release multi-lingual distance education technology development reports; (2) Able to update multi-lingual website information in real time; (3) Able to apply the latest international distance education technology; (4) Able to export the results of distance education technology research and technological products to foreign countries; (5) Able to send technical staff to study abroad every year; (6) Able to increase foreign technical staff or technical consultants year over year.

IV. Conclusion

The paper constructs a distance higher education internationalization index system with open, scalable indexes. Different institutions and researchers can modify the system, for example, to assign weights based on need. The next step is to, on the basis of current research, strengthen international comparative research, launch relevant evaluative pilot programmes and empirical studies, and further perfect the internationalization index system.

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[2] Bartell, M. Internationalization of Universities: A university Culture-based Framework [J]. Higher Education, 2003, (45): 43-70.
[3] Green, M. F., Luu, D., & Burris, B. Mapping Internationalization on U.S. Campuses: 2008 edition [M].Washington, DC: American Council on Education, 2008.
[4] Furushiro, Norio. Developing Evaluation Criteria to Assess the Internationalization of Universities [R], Osaka: Osaka University, 2006.
[5] Li Shengbin. Initial Exploration of University Internationalization Evaluation Indicator System [J], Journal of Huanan Normal University, 2005, (56): 113-116.
[6] Luo Yingzi, Li Qin, Han Jiqin et al. Initial Exploration of University Postgraduate Education Internationalization Evaluation Index System Construction, [J]. Academic Degrees & Postgraduate Education, 2009, (11): 64-69.
[7] Chen Changgui, Zeng Manchao, Wen Dongmao et al. China Research University Internationalization Survey and Evaluation Index Construction [J]. Peking University Education Review, 2009, 7 (4): 116-135.
[8] Wang Xianping. University Internationalization Development Evaluation Index System Construction [J]. Higher Education Development and Evaluation, 2010, (3): 55-59, 122.
[9] Wang Wen. On the Construction of Our University Internationalization Evaluation System [J]. Social Scientist, 2011, (7): 74-78.
[10] Zhang Yan. University Internationalization Level Evaluation Index System Construction [J], China Higher Education Evaluation, 2012, (1): 13-18.
[11] Keegan, Desmond. Foundations of Distance Education (3rd Edition) [M]. London:Taylor & Francis Ltd, 1996: 33-40.
[12] Ding Xingfu, Distance Education Studies (second edition) [M]: Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2009: 20-21.

About the authors:
Wang Yongfeng: Assistant researcher, Ph.D. Research interests include distance education and education internationalization (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Zhang Shaogang: Researcher. Research interests include distance education and education technology.
