I.Training objectives

This major is dedicated to training students dedicated to building socialism, and well-developed in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic terms, as well as their capacity for labour. They should be ideologically and politically sound, ethical, humane and technically skilled, as well as adaptable to the needs of administrative management and instruction in rural areas and in agriculture.

II. Requirements

Duration of studies: This major requires 2 years, with 8 of part-time studies permitted, and at least 2.5 years.

Type of education: open

Total credit hours and credits: 1,404 hours and 78 credits

Other requirements

Educational: The major teaches the basic theories and methods of Administrative Management and related disciplines; it covers rural society and its development, emerging issues related to agriculture and rural areas, such as land management, and the current situation and trends of rural development in China.

Skills development: It helps students apply their learning, analyse and solve practical problems, such as ones relating to rural development and regional administrative management, deal with agricultural and related affairs, become skilled in computer-use and writing, and able to undertake lifelong learning and entrepreneurship.

Overall quality: Students are expected to love the country, believe in and support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and promote socialist core values, establishing a correct outlook on living and values, and being interested in, understanding of, and committed to agriculture and rural areas. They should be physically and mentally healthy, ethical and positive, and highly professional and practical in their approaches.

III. Main courses

1. Specialised basic courses

Rural Policies and Regulations, Township Administrative Management, and Rural Sociology.

2. Professional core courses

Land-use Planning, Small-town Construction, Promotion of Agriculture, and Introduction to E-government.